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FEAR IS NOT MY FUTURE: Because God is with me no matter the season

Psalm 23:4 "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me."

Psalm 23 is one of the most beloved Psalms. When we read it, quote it, remember it, we are always reminded of peace. Not just because of the first verses that talk about “still waters” and “green pastures,” but because of where the Lord is in every single verse. (I once was prompted to draw out the psalm verse by verse and was asked afterwards, “Now where do you see the Lord in each verse?” and was able to visibly see the representation through art - highly recommend you do it!) 

When we go through dark valleys, dark seasons, trials and tribulations, we need not fear the evil that is ever present before us - sometimes more so during the dark times - but BECAUSE God is WITH us.

How beautiful is that?

He walks with us, He carries us, He protects us, and He leads us. Sometimes it can be difficult to see and know while we’re traversing the dark valley in our lives especially when the shadows start to move and take shape.

But, is our confidence in the power of evil’s scrawny hands? Or is it in the Lord our God who goes with us to fight FOR us against our enemies to give us victory? (Deut 20:4)

If you are going through a dark season in your life right now, I want to encourage you to look at where the Lord has been through every season. If you see Him as distant, ask the Lord where He was and see Him reveal to you that He was with you every step of the way. 

~ Kissy Black

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