It’s a stinging feeling when what we hoped for doesn’t work out.
It reminds me of a time in college when some friends of mine decided we were going to jump off a pier into the ocean in the middle of the night. Our adrenaline was pumping at the top, and at the same time we said, “One, Two, Three, Go!” As I was flailing in the air, I forgot that I should jump with my legs straight. My thighs hit the water with a huge “splat.” The next day, I had a gigantic bruise that lasted for weeks.
Although the jump was a thrilling experience, healing the bruise was not. It was ugly and purple and turned from purple to yellow. Sometimes, I think we feel this way in our walks with the Lord.
Have your dreams been dashed? Are you feeling down?
Maybe you just had an interview for your dream job, but you just got the news that they are going to go with another candidate.
Maybe you’ve been dating a really great person for the last several months, but he mentions that it’s not working out.
Maybe you’ve wanted to have a baby for the longest time, but it seems as if your prayers are falling short and your womb is still empty.
Whatever you are going through today, it’s easy to look at your experiences in life and only see the bruises.
But if we know God, we don’t need to lose hope.
In Psalms 34: 18-19 it says, “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.”
If you’re looking for a companion in this season of brokenheartedness, look no further.
If your heart has been crushed and you need someone to save you, look no further.
If you feel like your days are tougher and tougher, look no further.
The Almighty God is near. You can rest in His open arms and He will heal you if you’re willing.
- Soquel Filice
